This is obviously not ideal because I have to do a lot of manual work and it's very archaic. So, for this reason, I have started tv-show-tracker. The idea behind this project is to make a more robust solution than all of my manual labor to keep my items in order. Right now this is in the very early stages, however the end goal could help me out quite a bit. I would eventually like to be able to:
- Enter a show I would like to watch
- Have it import all of the seasons and episodes
- Keep track of which shows I'm currently watching and what episode I'm on
- Allow multiple users to use this based on a login
- PostgreSQL - For the database
- Slick - For database access
- Spray - For REST/HTTP endpoints
- Twirl - For HTML templates
As noted above, this is in very early stages of development, however that doesn't mean I am not making good progress. So far I have successfully wired up all of these projects and have the proof of concept working:
- URL endpoints with request parameters - e.g."Shows"
- Parse the request parameters and search the database
- Return the "Show" and its "Seasons"
- Render the results to the user
There's obviously a lot of work still to go, but now that I have a proof of concept working the rest should start to fall into place quicker - I just need to nail down the database schema and then work up the stack.